BOSTON (Reuters) - Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, whose bet against the overheated housing market made him one of the world's wealthiest people, became a lot richer last year.By earning an estimated $5 billion in 2010 thanks to bets the economy would recover, the 55-year investor likely set a new record for the $1.9 trillion hedge fund industry's biggest-ever annual payday. He beat his own record, which he set in 2007 with a $4 billion haul made off the subprime bet.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Paulson's payout in its Friday edition, and investors familiar with Paulson's portfolios said the number is likely correct given the manager's asset size and his recent profitable bets on Citigroup and gold.
For Paulson, the payday comes after he reversed deep losses in his funds halfway through the year, and it may put to rest lingering talk that his investing prowess was limited to a lucky bet during the subprime era, investors said.
"He did it on the short side and on the long side," said Brad Alford, founder of Alpha Capital Management, which invests with hedge funds. "He proved that he can really do it all."
Monday, January 31, 2011
Paulson's $5 billion payout shocks, raises questions
Sunday, January 30, 2011
How To Get Perky Eyes At Every Age
The secret to great eyes is to start taking care of them as soon as possible. Whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s and beyond, it's never too late to start giving your peepers a little TLC. Here, we show you the treatments to start now to ensure gorgeous eyes no matter how old you are.
In Your 20s...Start to Prep
Wrinkles might be the last thing you see near your eyes in your twenties, but dark circles from lack of sleep or one too many cocktails are probably frequent visitors on your face. This doesn't directly age you, but it sure as heck makes you look older. Dr. David E. Bank, MD, suggests using a good eye cream to slow down the aging process and keep wrinkles away longer. Apply a lighter cream with SPF in the morning, like Neutrogena Visibly Firm Eye Cream, and a thicker one at night like RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream. To avoid breakouts, steer clear of creams that contain octyl stearate, which can clog pores and leave your skin feeling greasy.
Pair this routine with getting at least seven hours of sleep, not smoking, and eating relatively healthy. You're not young forever, after all!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The 5 Most Germ-Infested Places You Touch Everyday
These days there are dispensers of hand sanitizer pretty much everywhere you turn—and for good reason. Germs lurk on surfaces you normally wouldn’t think twice about, including the five most germ-infested places outlined below. Note that some of these might just surprise you!1. Your Desk
It may sound crazy to hear your toilet bowl is more sanitary than your workspace, but it’s true! While restrooms are cleaned frequently, people tend not to clean their desks on a regular basis. Even though most of the germs you encounter aren’t particularly harmful, you should make a point of cleaning your workstation at least once a week during cold and flu season and try not to eat lunch at your desk.20 Hot Golden Globe Celebrity Looks
2. Your Kitchen Sponge
There’s a good reason sponges are banned from use in food service—a kitchen sponge is likely the dirtiest item in your entire home. A single sponge can harbor billions of harmful bacteria, such as staphylococcus and salmonella. Your best bet is to use paper towel or a rag that you wash each day. But if you’re fond of sponges, be sure to ring it out and let it dry well after each use. If you can, run it in the dishwasher every other day, zap it in the microwave for a minute or two to kill even more germs, and be sure to replace it at least every three weeks.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ikea skirts taxes with 'secret' foundation: report
An Ikea store in New York City. Swedish furniture giant Ikea's founder has admitted that he still controls the company through a secret foundation, ahead of the airing Wednesday evening of a documentary that also charges the firm systematically evades taxes.
On Wednesday January 26, 2011, 8:56 pm ESTSwedish furniture giant Ikea's founder still controls the company through a previously unknown foundation, he admitted ahead of an investigative documentary Wednesday that revealed the company's complex structure.
"Interogo Foundation is controlled by my family and run by a board that is made up entirely of outside members," Ivar Kamprad, 84, said in a statement issued before the first of a two-part investigative documentary aired on Swedish public television SVT.
Kamprad, who refused to be interviewed for the documentary, has long insisted that he and his family no longer have any control over Ikea, which is not listed on the stock exchange, and was previously known to be owned by a foundation in the Netherlands called Stichting Ingka Foundation and its subsidiary Inka Holdings.
But the SVT documentary charges that Kamprad has in fact "secured control and power over Ikea. In total secrecy, he has created a foundation in one of the world's most infamous tax havens -- Lichtenstein."
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Advantages of Online Marketing for Offline Businesses
Why Offline Businesses Are Discovering the Advantages of Internet Marketing
More and more offline businesses, both small and large, are discovering the advantages of internet marketing. When push comes to shove, your business needs to survive right? In this difficult economy business owners MUST take advantage of every opportunity afforded to them in order to keep their doors open. Learn how internet marketing is helping offline businesses survive and even thrive regardless of the economy.
Internet marketing, also referred to as web marketing, online marketing or eMarketing is the marketing of products or services over the internet. There are 3 key areas that explain why internet marketing is fast becoming a necessary skill to entrepreneurs everywhere.
1. Return on Investment – ROI is absolutely necessary for businesses to remain profitable. For instance, when people advertise in traditional media, T.V., radio, newspapers, etc., it is possible to track some of where your business is coming from but it is almost never completely accurate (not to mention expensive.) This is not the case on the internet. There are systems set up to where you can track visitors down to each and every click. You will know exactly when and where (and from who) the money is coming from. The internet is FAR more efficient for ROI than the traditional methods and at least 50% less expensive. When the economy is struggling, business people start to tighten their belts and start to look at ways to advertise for less. That’s where the internet and internet marketing come in.
2. Exposure and Cost – A traditional brick and mortar business can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 + to open. This cost does not include things any overhead like advertising, employees, cash flow, etc. As an example, a small mom and pop store selling books might spend $1000 to $2500 per month just to advertise to the local community! Remember that most offline businesses take at least 2 years before they start to make a profit. Do the math, most of the time it costs a small fortune to even get going with a traditional business in the offline world.
Most of the time, setting up a business online can be almost FREE! Even a brand new online business has the potential to be exposed to millions of people. That’s right MILLIONS! That is the power of the internet! The example above cost thousands monthly just to advertise to the local community! Think about that for a minute. Millions of people who you can expose your product or service to. That’s what I call efficiency!
Justin Bieber's Haircut Costs $750
We're firm believers that a good haircut can really make the lady... or the dude as the case may be. That said, we've had incredible haircuts that cost $30 and some that we paid over $100 for. It's all about finding a skilled stylist who can achieve a flattering look you'll love.Back in 2009, teen pop sensation Justin Bieber became a client of Vanessa Price, who created his signature shag haircut. According to Life & Style she's been cutting his hair ever since, making house calls only, and charges a whopping $750 per haircut. "I usually cut his hair every couple of weeks when he's on tour," Price told Life & Style. "I've heard adults joke they were going to take his hair after I cut it." She said both she and the Biebs don't understand the hype behind his eyebrow-grazing 'do. "We both were shocked people cared that much about someone's hair!"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Budget Deficit Is Expected to Grow 14% to $1.48 Trillion in Fiscal 2011
WASHINGTON—The federal government's budget deficit is expected to grow about 14% to $1.48 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year, an increase largely resulting from the extension of lower tax rates, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.
The deficit was roughly $1.3 trillion in fiscal 2010, which ended on Sept. 30.
The CBO said two weeks ago that the budget deficit had reached $371 billion through the first three months of fiscal 2011.
In fiscal 2012, which begins on Oct. 1, the CBO expects the deficit to drop to $1.1 trillion, still big by long-term historical standards.
The CBO, an agency that reviews congressional budgets and legislative initiatives with budgetaryimplications, said that as a share of U.S. gross domestic product, the deficit will jump from 8.9% in fiscal 2010 to 9.8% in fiscal 2011 before declining to 7.0% in fiscal 2012.
The tax compromise reached between Democrats and Republicans in December added $858 billion to the federal budget deficit over the next 10 years. The deal renewed the Bush-era income-tax rates for all Americans for two years, despite the misgivings of many Democrats, who wanted to see the rates for wealthiest Americans revert to higher rates.
The accord also reinstated the estate tax at a rate of 35% on individuals earning more than $5 million and couples worth more than $10 million. The tax had expired at the end of 2009 and was set to be renewed from 2011 at higher rates.
The agreement also created a one-year payroll-tax holiday for most working Americans.
While both sides acknowledged that the strands of the tax deal would add to the budget deficit in the short term, lawmakers agreed that allowing taxes to increase would have jeopardized the economic recovery.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
$28 a night at a Caribbean resort? OK, what's the catch?
By Jayne Clark,, USA TODAYPUERTO PLATA, Dominican Republic — "Did you get The Deal?" I ask my fellow passengers as we settle into the shuttle for the 35-minute ride from the airport to the Lifestyle Tropical Beach Resort & Spa.They have, indeed. A paltry $28 a night (with tax) for a stay at a beachfront resort — including meals. The package, booked on, had a But Wait! There's More! infomercial vibe to it. Besides food and lodging, we'd get premium drinks at the resort's V.I.P. beach, admission to the welcome party with gala dinner buffet, carnival show and fireworks, plus $50 off a future booking through the value-vacation website.
"For this price, the boys can have their own room," says Thresia Raynor, 40, a flight attendant who, with her husband and 12- and 18-year-old sons, is on the final leg of a 22-hour journey from Anchorage.
"Just going out to dinner in D.C. costs $60," reasons Kristen Beilman, 28, a master's student in Washington, who is accompanied by her boyfriend, Dan Sullivan, 30. "What do we have to lose?"
Still, for a pre-tax, per-person rate of just $20.11 a night, double occupancy, how much can we realistically expect?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Hundreds of South Dakota dead birds poisoned by USDA
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The deaths of 200 starlings in Yankton, South Dakota this week is no mystery -- they died as the result of poison set out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an official said on Thursday.USDA wildlife biologist Ricky Woods explained that a large group of starlings was causing problems in a north Nebraska cattle feedlot, eating the feed and leaving waste on both the feed and equipment. So the USDA put out DRC 1339 poison for the birds, Woods said.
"Lethal means are always a last resort," said Woods. "In this situation it's what we had to do."
Woods said most of the birds died near the site of the feed lot, but about 200 were strong enough to fly about 10 miles north to Yankton, where they died, puzzling some local residents. He could not say how many birds died altogether.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The world's happiest countries
Most of the nations atop our list are democratic, business-friendly and boast strong social safety nets.
Think about it for a minute: What does happiness mean to you?
For most, being happy starts with having enough money to do what you want and buy what you want. A nice home, food, clothes, car, leisure. All within reason.
But happiness is much more than money. It's being healthy, free from pain, being able to take care of yourself. It's having good times with friends and family.
Furthermore, happiness means being able to speak what's on your mind without fear, to worship the God of your choosing, and to feel safe and secure in your own home.
Happiness means having opportunity -- to get an education, to be an entrepreneur. What's more satisfying than having a big idea and turning it into a thriving business, knowing all the way that the harder you work, the more reward you can expect?
With this in mind, five years ago researchers at the Legatum Institute, a London-based nonpartisan think tank, set out to rank the happiest countries in the world. But because "happy" carries too much of a touchy-feely connotation, they call it "prosperity."
Legatum recently completed its 2010 Prosperity Index, which ranks 110 countries, covering 90 per cent of the world's population.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
New Yorker searches for owner of remarkable blizzard photos
A New Yorker who writes and directs comedy videos is on a quest to find the people who shot a roll of striking black-and-white photos of the city that he found in a park.Screen shot 2011-01-19 at 2.46.08 PM
Todd Bieber stumbled upon the roll of film while cross-country skiing in Brooklyn's Prospect Park after the Christmas blizzard that dumped 12 to 18 inches of snow in the area. Bieber developed the film and was captivated by the photos, which show what he surmises to be some out-of-towners taking a snowy and beautiful journey from Central Park, across the Brooklyn Bridge to the abandoned Coney Island amusement park, and then to Prospect Park, where they must have accidentally dropped the film canister.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Jesse James & Kat Von D Engaged
Jesse James and Kat Von D are engaged!
According to People, Sandra Bullock's ex-husband and the tattoo artist are getting married.
PLAY IT NOW: Kat Von D Confirms Romantic Relationship With Jesse James
"You know sometimes the public and press gets it wrong. This is one of those times. 2010 was actually the best year of my life because I fell in love with my best friend. An amazing woman who stood behind me when the world turned their backs," Jesse told the mag.
"I have never met anyone so kind and loving and committed to making the world a better place every day," he continued. "My love for her is beyond description. So honored that she said 'yes.'"
VIEW THE PHOTOS: The Colorful Kat Von D
Kat Von D confirmed her relationship with Jesse in September 2010, after he finalized his divorce from Sandra Bullock in June after he admitted to being unfaithful.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Mysterious visitor to Poe's grave is a no-show for 2nd straight year
BALTIMORE - Telltale hearts beat with anticipation during a rainy, midnight dreary and beyond, hoping the mysterious visitor to Edgar Allan Poe's grave would return after a one-year absence.
Four impostors came and went. The real one never showed. Around 5 a.m., the dozen Poe fans who were left began to wonder if the eerie ritual is indeed nevermore, so they walked to Poe's tombstone and performed their own tribute by leaving roses and drinking a cognac toast.
A fascinating tradition that ran for some 60 years and was never fully explained appears to have ended. An unknown person who left three roses and a half-empty bottle of cognac at Poe's grave on the anniversary of the writer's birth failed to appear Wednesday, the second straight year he's disappointed those who stake out the downtown Westminster Hall and Burying Ground.
"I think we can safely say it's not car trouble, and he's not sick," said Jeff Jerome, curator of the Poe House and Museum. "This doesn't look good."
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Security Systems Edmonton
Welcome to Security Systems Edmonton site where you can learn about different types of home security systems.
Investing in security systems is one of the best things you can do to protect your family. Did you know that burglary takes place every 15.4 seconds? That gave me shivers and I immediately think about my family’s safety. Luckily, there are so many security systems in Edmonton to choose from.
There are two basic types of home security systems: indoor and outdoor.
How do indoor systems work? They check for opening of doors and windows or signs of movement inside the house. The system can detect movements by using motion sensors. With the indoor system, you have to enter a special code into the control set and this will let you set your alarm whenever you need to, of course you can turn it off before you enter your house.
What about the outdoor system? It monitors your grounds and most of these systems are programmed to turn on flood lights at the slightest hint of movement on your grounds. Latest models already have the ability to check the size and weight of the intruder before setting off the alarm. What are the results? Fewer false alarms! Now you can stop blaming your neighbour’s cat for ruining your sleep every night. Some outdoor systems also include driveway alarms so you can keep car nappers at bay.
I learn some good stuff from about different types of systems I didn't know before.
Tanning in Calgary
If you are looking for indoor tanning in Calgary you are in the right place. Our site Tanning In Calgary will help you to learn more about tanning and to find the best tanning options for you.
The winter months in Calgary are cold, frosty and long so no wonder we need tanning salons and tanning beds to make us feel good and to survive the winter months.
Indoor tanning has become an extremely popular method of tanning. Tanning is not longer something that you feel like you should do but something that you look forward to.
Get the Truth About Vitamin D
The main purpose of Vitamin D in our body is to help with the absorption of calcium. It also aids in keeping the right amount of phosphorous in the blood. What happens if we don’t have ample supply of this vitamin in our body? It can result to osteoporosis in adults or rickets in children.
Tanning in Calgary is not only about looking good but also about feeling good in this hard climate.
Weight Loss In Calgary
Becoming over weight, not just obese, can lead to major health risks such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, sleep apnea, increased blood sugar levels leading to insulin resistance and many more preventable diseases and conditions.
llpower, schooling and the proper fat loss program all help, but they are usually not enough.
Maybe you have visited a bariatrics specialist to discuss possible surgical procedures to finally lose the weight by gastric bypass surgery or the gastric lap band.
But do you really want your belly stapled? Do you realize how dangerous this surgery is and how a lot of difficulties arise from this invasive surgical treatment just about every year?
Even lipo to get rid of stubborn cellulite has its risks.
It’s the best to make sure you explored all the non-surgical methods to shed excess weight before heading under the knife, but there are many ways to get rid of those extra inches and some of them can be simply as hazardous as surgical procedure.
Like for example, weight reduction tablets or starvation diets. In some people losing weight can turn into obsession and create eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia which left untreated may, and frequently do lead to death.
Weight loss in Calgary provides some interesting facts about losing weight.
Meet Sir Elton John and David Furnish's Baby Boy!
Meet Sir Elton John and David Furnish's Baby Boy!
Posted Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:33am PST by Us Magazine in Stop The Presses!Ladies and gentlemen....introducing Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John!
In the new issue of Us Weekly (out Wednesday), Sir Elton John and David Furnish share first-ever photos of their beautiful baby son, who was born on Christmas Day.
PHOTOS: See what other stars are expecting
In an exclusive interview, just ten days after Zachary's birth, the couple invited Us Weekly inside their Los Angeles home to share their remarkable journey.
John, 63, and Furnish, 48, speak candidly about the birth of their first child.
PHOTOS: More adorable A-list babies
"I've never felt anything like it in my life," the music legend tells Us of holding their son for the first time. "You're so awestruck. What can you say? You take it in. The feeling, the joy, the warmth of his body, his breathing...I will never forget that experience ever."
Adds film producer Furnish: "He's a content little guy...He just loves to be nurtured, cuddled, and sung to."
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Kidman, Urban have baby by surrogate
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have had a daughter by a surrogate mother, the couple announced Monday.
Faith Margaret Kidman Urban arrived Dec. 28 at the Women's Hospital at Centennial in Nashville. She is the biological daughter of Kidman and Urban but was carried to term by a surrogate, the couple said in a release.
Kidman gave birth to a daughter, Sunday Rose, in July 2008.
New Zealand-born, Australian-raised Urban's country career is on the rise as he tours in support of Get Closer. Australian-born Kidman starred last year in Rabbit Hole.
"Our family is truly blessed, and just so thankful, to have been given the gift of baby Faith Margaret," Kidman and Urban, both 43, said in their statement.
"No words can adequately convey the incredible gratitude that we feel for everyone who was so supportive throughout this process, in particular our gestational carrier."
Kidman and her ex-husband Tom Cruise adopted two children during their marriage, Isabella and Connor.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jan. 10-16: 50 Cent Uses Twitter To Make $8.7 Million In One Day
Jan. 10-16: 50 Cent Uses Twitter To Make $8.7 Million In One Day
Posted Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:28pm PST by Billy Johnson, Jr. in That's Really Week
Rappers have been known to influence interest in fashion trends, alcohol brands, and luxury automobiles. This week hip-hop mogul 50 Cent added the stock exchange to the list.
In just one day, 50 Cent's promotion of the publicly traded H&H Imports, Inc. raised the company's stock price from .10 to .39 per share.
The G-Unit head urged his 3.8 million Twitter followers to invest in the company. "TVG's stock went from 5 cent to 10 in one day," 50 wrote about the subsidiary of H&H. "You can double your money right now. Just get what you can afford."
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Youth wins as Nebraskan takes Miss America crown
A 17-year-old Nebraskan too young to cast a ballot has captured enough votes to win the Miss America crown, kickstarting her hopes of going to law school and eventually becoming a politician.
"I want to be there making sure that I stand up for what's right, stand up for integrity and honesty," Teresa Scanlan told The Associated Press on Saturday night after becoming the first Miss America from the Cornhusker State.
She won a $50,000 scholarship and a year's reign in one of the most visible positions any young woman could seek.
Scanlan captured the hearts of seven judges after a night of playing the piano, walking across a Las Vegas stage in a white gown and black bikini, and saying security trumps the public's right to knowledge when it comes to government leaks.
She said she'll register to vote as an independent after turning 18 next month, and work toward her goals by going to law school and perhaps becoming a prosecutor, then judge.
"At this point, attorneys and politicians are looked down on and have terrible reputations for being greedy and power hungry and I really think it's important for people who have their heart and mind in the right place get into those powerful positions," Scanlan told the AP.
"When I talk to kids my age, I don't find very many who are interested in that, because many are just turned off to the idea," she said. "I think it's important that we get a lot more of my generation willing to step up and go into those positions."
Scanlan beat out 52 beauty queens from other U.S. states, plus Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia. She said she was a bit worried after a preliminary interview with judges and hoped they would think a 17-year-old could do the job.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
6 Soon-to-Be Has-Been Gadgets
Posted By Kaboodle, Tue, 11 Jan 9:42 AM
When you were growing up, your parents probably regaled you with tales of having to get off the couch to change the channel on the TV while their dad climbed up on the roof to adjust the antenna. We suspect our children will grow up shocked to learn there was a time when phones didn’t take photos, record videos, play music, and allow you to play games—all at the same time! Here are five electronic items that will seem practically prehistoric in a few years’ time.
1. DVD Players
With the growing popularity of streaming video services like Hulu and Netflix DVDs and DVD players are on their ways out. In fact, Netflix just raised the price of their service for customers who want to rent discs! If you still like the idea of watching on your fancy flat-screen TV, check out 16 gadgets that’ll help you create your own streaming home theatre.
Dress to Impress in a Sexy and Slimming LBD!
2. Alarm Clocks
Alarm clocks (especially fun retro-styled designs) can look cute on a bedside table, but more and more people are turning to their cell phones—or even talking coffee makers!—to wake them up in the morning. If you’re resisting the urge to sleep with your cell, or merely want a soon-to-be-vintage accent for your nightstand, turn to check out 33 adorable clocks to accent your bedroom.
Friday, January 14, 2011
10 Illegal Baby Names
Posted By Shine, Thu, 13 Jan 12:18 PM
This week the Pope declared war on parents naming babies after celebrities, fruit or popular sports cars. In an address to parents, the ever-progressive pontiff pleaded with worshipers to 'give your children names that are in the Christian calendar'. So Apple, Brooklyn and Ferrari are out, Francisco and Giulia are in.
But Benedict's not the only authority figure to stamp down on one of the sillier by-products of celebrity culture. The following names have all been banned around the world for reasons of taste, decency or just plain daftness.
1) Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii (New Zealand)
New Zealand law bans names which could cause offence to a 'reasonable' person. Good thing too - the country is a stupid name hotspot. We found a couple from the islands who tried and failed to call their son '4Real', but nothing beats the ridiculous moniker above. It belonged to a 9-year-old girl before a judge had her renamed during a custody battle. 'It makes a fool of the child,' he said. It certainly made application forms a pain in the butt.Has New Zealand banned any other names? Oh yes. The judge listed some that were also blocked: Fish and Chips (twins), Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit. Number 16 Bus Shelter and Violence were allowed.
2) Venerdi AKA 'Friday' (Italy)
Maybe this is what the Pope was talking about. Back in 2008 a court banned an Italian couple from calling their child Venerdi (translation: Friday). The judges reckoned the name - taken from 'Robinson Crusoe' - would expose the boy to 'mockery' and was associated with 'subservience and insecurity'. The parents, however, might have the last laugh; they threatened to call their next child Mercoledi (Wednesday).Has Italy banned any other names? Italian courts can step in 'when the child's name is likely to limit social interaction and create insecurity'. In Turin, Andrea was rejected (and changed to Emma) as it's a boy's name in Italy. Dalmata has also been rejected, as it means Dalmatian.
3) Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Sweden)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Oprah Winfrey says the failure of her film 'Beloved' caused a mac-and-cheese-eating binge
NEW YORK, N.Y. - Oprah Winfrey says her worst career moment was the box-office failure of her movie "Beloved." It sent her into what she calls a "macaroni-and-cheese-eating tailspin."Winfrey starred as a former slave in the 1998 film based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. The movie had the misfortune to open the same weekend as the slasher film, "Bride of Chucky."
"Beloved" was a flop.
Winfrey tells Piers Morgan in an interview for his new CNN talk show that it was the only time she was ever depressed.
Winfrey says she told her chef to make some mac-and-cheese to help her cope.
Asked how much, Winfrey says with a laugh, "About 30 pounds' worth."
The interview airs on "Piers Morgan Tonight," premiering Monday at 9 p.m. Eastern.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Massive black hole discovered in nearby galaxy
US astronomers have discovered a huge black hole, a million times the mass of the sun, in a nearby galaxy -- a finding that could help better understand the origins of the universe.
The announcement Monday by the American Astronomical Society said the surprise discovery in a so-called "dwarf" galaxy offers evidence that black holes -- regions of space where not even light can escape -- formed before the buildup of galaxies.
"This galaxy gives us important clues about a very early phase of galaxy evolution that has not been observed before," said Amy Reines, a researcher at the University of Virginia who presented the findings to the AAS annual meeting.
The galaxy, called Henize 2-10, is 30 million light-years from Earth, has been studied for years, and is forming stars very rapidly. It resembles what scientists think were some of the first galaxies to form in the early universe.
Reines along with Gregory Sivakoff and Kelsey Johnson of the University of Virginia and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and Crystal Brogan of the NRAO, observed Henize 2-10 with the National Science Foundation?s Very Large Array radio telescope and with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
How to Build Arm Muscle
How to Build Arm Muscle
The image of an impressively extended bicep can impress even the most hardened weight room warrior. With time invested in the gym and a smart, balanced diet you can learn how to build arm muscle to get a physique that will meet even a trainer’s seal of approval. The process of building up arm muscles requires a full approach to effective methods for building up your forearms, biceps and triceps supplement with proper protein intake. Building up impressive arms is certainly within your research if you’re willing to put in the effort with concentrated exercises, a disciplined diet and consistency in hitting the gym.
Importantly, your arm muscles go well beyond just the large bicep and triceps muscle groups: training your complete arms, including the smaller muscles in your arms, is a necessary part of learning how to build arm muscle for the long run. Resistance training exercises, such as pushups and pull ups, are effective ways to build up arm muscles by toning your entire arms. Proper technique in resistance training puts selective pressure on your arm muscles, and can build, as well as tone, your entire arms.
The importance of a complete plan for how to build arm muscle
While body builders and athletes are proud to show off well toned, muscular arms, having strong arms is important for nearly anyone focused on overall fitness levels. Your arms are an important source of overall body muscle, and can help take pressure off your chest during exercise as well. Athletes find that effectively calibrated training routines focused on how to build arm muscle can increase athletic performance and give them an edge on the field as well. Over time, nearly everyone from world class athletes to casual exercise participants can experience a loss of muscle mass and a plan to build up arm muscle can help keep your upper body in shape for years to come.
Suprising New Uses For Dryer Sheets
Hidden tricks behind the laundry room's most valuable product.
(Photo credit: Sand An)
Dryer Sheet as Iron CleanerRemove gunk from the soleplate of an iron. With the setting on low, rub the iron over the dryer sheet until the residue disappears, and you're left with a pristine press.
More New Uses:New Uses for Kitchen Items
Laundry New Uses for Old Things
(Photo credit: Rick Lew)
Dryer Sheet as Shoe Freshener
Roll up one sheet per slipper, sneaker, or loafer, insert, and forget about stinky shoes. (Bonus uses: Toss them in hampers, on closet shelves, in diaper bags.)
More New Uses:
Surprising Cleaning New Uses
Ironing New Uses for Old Things
(Photo credit: James Baigrie)
Dryer Sheet as Static StopperStop static cling on clothes—or tame flyaway hair—by rubbing a sheet over the problem area.
More New Uses:
New Uses for Things in the Bathroom
New Uses for Baking Soda
Monday, January 10, 2011
How To Extend Your Smartphone's Battery Life
Dylan Love, On Friday January 7, 2011, 1:11 pm ESTDon't let your smartphone turn into a overpriced paperweight when the battery dies in the middle of the day.
Here are some suggestions to maximize the battery life of your superpowered pocket computer.
They're not always convenient, or easy, but if you're down to 20% power, you might want to use these tricks to save your phone:
- Turn off 3G or 4G. 3G and 4G are your phone's default ways of talking to the internet. Yes, it's fast, but your battery pays the price. Switch it on only when you plan on using a lot of data.
- Turn off Bluetooth. Bluetooth can be one less signal your phone is searching for. Keep it turned off until you need to pair your phone with a computer or wireless headset.
- Disable push notifications. Push capability for smartphone apps and email can drain your battery. Turn them off.
- Keep your screen brightness in check. Make sure your LCD isn't giving you a suntan. It's very possible that this is where most of your battery drain happens.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Real-life superhero stops car robbery in Seattle
If you thought superheroes were only found on the silver screen or in comic books, think again. Superheroes are real — just ask Phoenix Jones, the Guardian of Seattle.Phoenix, a costumed hero operating in Washington state, grabbed headlines this week after he stopped a car robbery in progress. You can watch the news report below.
Operating out of a comic book shop, Phoenix is a member of the Rain City Superheroes, itself part of the wider real-life superhero movement.
That's right, there are many people who dress in costumes and patrol the streets of their cities and towns. You can find a number of Canadian crime-fighters in the World Superhero Registry, including Vancouver's Thanatos, who was profiled by The Globe and Mail in 2009.
According to Seattle police, the Rain City group includes Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88, Penelope and Phoenix Jones himself. A hero name Red Dragon has also appeared with the group.
Phoenix and his team have been garnering attention for months now. Back in November, online paper reported that police were well aware of the operations of the band of heroes.
And while police are tolerating their actions, they warn that the heroes may be putting themselves in grave danger. Phoenix claims he has been stabbed in the line of work and the bullet proof vest he wears under his suit stopped a bullet during an incident in Tacoma, Wash. last year. Police have not confirmed his claims.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Earth's Magnetic Field Shifts, Forcing Airport Runway Change
The magnetic north pole is currently hovering over the North Sea and moving toward Siberia. This means two Florida airports are renumbering their runways.
Odd as this connection may appear on the surface, the adjustments under way at Tampa International Airport and beginning next week at Peter O'Knight Airport are the result of a natural, ongoing process.
Earth's magnets
The Earth has an iron core, and movement within its outer part is likely responsible for sustaining a magnetic field, which constitutes much of what we measure at the Earth's surface. As a result, the Earth resembles something of a giant magnet with two poles: magnetic north and magnetic south. However, its field is not perfectly symmetrical and has undulations that are always moving around, according to Jeffrey Love, a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey's Geomagnetism Program.
The magnetic poles don't line up with the geographic ones, and the difference between them is an angle called declination. As if this wasn't enough of a nuisance for navigators, the Earth's magnetic field drifts, causing the angle of declination to change over time.
In fact, it drifts about one-fifth of a degree a year at lower latitudes, such as Florida. "So that means if you wait five years, the compass will be off by one degree," Love said.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The 5 Most-Common Lies Guys Tell, And Why
Posted By Real Beauty, Mon, 3 Jan 1:27 PMWhether he lies to protect his butt or to protect your feelings, chances are, your guy's not above telling a few fibs to get through the day. We had real guys dish to us about the most common lies they tell (and why!).
1. "No Way, You Don't Look Fat in That!"
"Whenever my girlfriend asks how she looks before we go out, my answer is always, 'You look hot!' Because once I tried to tell her that her skintight dress made her look a little like a hooker (hey, I didn't mind!), and she threw my cell phone at me and broke it." —Lance, 24"I love my wife, but I hate when she asks my opinion on the 'trendy' outfits she buys. What do I know about fashion? If I leave the house with two matching socks, that's a fashionable day for me. My answer's always, 'You look great!' because as long as she thinks she looks good, it doesn't really matter what I think." —Michael, 42
Related: What He's Really Thinking When You're Naked2. "I Don't Mind When You Use My Razor."
"Some things are just sacred to a man, and his shaving products are among those things. There are few things in life as satisfying as a good, clean shave, and I just can't enjoy it quite as much when I know where my (now dull) razor's been." —Jayson, 33"I'd definitely say that my razor's the one beauty/grooming product that I don't want to share with my wife. Shampoo, soap, shaving cream — it's all good, just please stay away from the razor! I've never bought as many razor blades as I have since I got married." —David, 37
Thursday, January 6, 2011
$50M Lotto Max payout delayed
TORONTO - A group of Bell Canada employees who expected to be millionaires on Tuesday can't start spending that windfall yet.Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. says it's delaying the payout of $50 million from the Dec. 31 Lotto Max draw.
Media reports on Tuesday said the 19 workers at a Bell Canada call centre in east-end Toronto held the winning ticket.
OLG says it can confirm that there is one winning ticket and it is being claimed by a large group.
However, OLG says it's delaying payment because additional claimants have come forward and are claiming a portion of the prize.
The lottery corporation says a rigorous prize claim review process needs to be completed before any prize is paid out.
The review is needed "to ensure all lottery players are protected and the right prize is paid to the right person," OLG said in a release.
It's the first time the $50 million has been won by a single ticket in Ontario since Lotto Max launched in 2009.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Archbishop of Canterbury to conduct royal wedding
LONDON (Reuters Life!) - The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual head of the Anglican Church, will marry Britain's Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton later this year, the prince's office said on Wednesday.
Other details about the wedding revealed that Middleton will travel to the service at London's Westminster Abbey by car along a route past the Houses of Parliament and including The Mall, the grand road leading to Buckingham Palace.
William, son of heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, announced his engagement to long-term girlfriend Middleton last November after a courtship lasting nearly a decade.
They have already disclosed that the wedding will take place on April 29 at the 1,000-year-old Westminster Abbey, where the funeral for Diana was held.
The prince's office, Clarence House, said the ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. (1000 GMT) and be conducted by the Dean of Westminster. Williams will marry the couple, while the Bishop of London Richard Chartres will give the address, it added.
Dickie Arbiter, the queen's former press secretary, said Chartres has close connections to William.
"He was an executor of the late Diana Princess of Wales' will; he confirmed William when William was 12; he listened to Diana when she was troubled," he told Sky News.
"(He is) the right person to be making the keynote address at the service."
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Mila Kunis & Macaulay Culkin Reportedly Split
Another celebrity couple has split, as Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin have reportedly gone their separate ways.According to the New York Post's Page Six, the couple has ended their relationship after dating for seven years.
"The split was amicable, and they remain close friends," Mila's rep told the paper.
A Page Six source claimed the breakup occurred some time ago, but the actress has reportedly kept it under wraps while promoting her latest movie, "Black Swan."
VIEW THE PHOTOS: From Small Screen Star To Blockbuster Beauty — Mila Kunis!
Reps for both Mila and Macaulay were not immediately available for comment when contacted by Access Hollywood .
Monday, January 3, 2011
Beware these common travel scams
Beware these common travel scams
Joe Yogerst - Wed Dec 8, 10:36 AM
It's every fan's nightmare: Find an amazing deal on tickets to a hot concert or big game, spend big bucks to travel to the show -- and then get turned away at the door because the tickets are phony.
Entertainment and sports events are a natural attraction for scam artists. Anyone is a potential victim, but out-of-towners are especially vulnerable. Each year brings fresh tales of people travelling thousands of miles to attend an event, only to discover that their package tour didn't include tickets, or that the tickets they paid for by sending cash or money orders never really existed.
Sadly, these kinds of travel scams are all too common. But it's not hard to protect yourself from getting ripped off -- just be prepared, careful and aware of the most frequently used tricks.
Once upon a time, the Super Bowl was the holy grail of scammers. Unscrupulous travel agents had no qualms about accepting thousands of dollars for packages that included flights and hotels but no tickets to the event. The U.S. Department of Transportation came down hard on Super Bowl scammers with new regulations and tough enforcement. But the specter of getting ripped off still looms.
Counterfeit merchandise is another huge travel scam, especially for anyone traveling to Asia, the source of so many bogus goods. There was a day in the not-too-distant past when a fake Rolex was the height of Third World travel chic. But nowadays the knockoffs -- specifically fake medications -- can be downright deadly.
Nobody's going to get killed by a counterfeit handbag. But consumers are at risk of buying counterfeit products that pose a real danger, like knockoff pharmaceuticals cut with everything from harmless filler to motor oil, highway paint and glue. Other dangers include bogus electronics with faulty wiring or potentially hazardous batteries, as well as shampoo and perfumes (with fake luxury branding) that contain harmful amounts of bacteria.
Another frequent scam is the hotel that doesn't live up to what's advertised. Beach hotels that are nowhere near the sand is one of the more common tricks. But one that's often overlooked -- much to the detriment of air travellers -- are "airport hotels" that are nowhere near the actual airport.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Various Artists News
Wal-Mart stops selling kids CD with profanities
AP, Dec 30, 2010 6:00 pm PSTChristina Wilson was getting her 4-year-old son up from a nap and bringing him in to listen to a compact disc his grandparents had given him for Christmas when her husband stopped her — he thought he heard something inappropriate.Then Wilson listened to the "Kids Favorites" CD out of her son Caiden's earshot and heard the profanity.
"It was a shock," she said.
Wilson said that on Tuesday she contacted the Wal-Mart store in South Bend where her in-laws had bought the CD to let them know about the lyrics. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. spokeswoman Melissa Hill said the company had already started pulling the CDs from its shelves nationwide on Monday after a supplier notified it about a problem with the CD.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Sir Elton John: "Why We Chose Zachary as the Name for Our Son"
Sir Elton John: "Why We Chose Zachary as the Name for Our Son"
Posted Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:20am PST by Us Magazine in Stop The Presses!
After welcoming Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John on Dec. 25 via a surrogate, Sir Elton John, 62, and partner David Furnish, 48, shared the joyous news with
PHOTOS: Elton John and David Furnish through the years
"We have fulfilled a dream in finally becoming parents, and are so happy and excited at this very special time. Zachary is a gorgeous little baby and we are so proud of him," John tells The couple explained that they didn't take long in choosing the baby's name. "A friend gave us a book of baby names, and we started to flick through it, but we have always loved the name Zachary and kept coming back to it. In the end, we looked at each other, and put the book back on shelf, and said, "This is it!'"
The music superstar met Furnish, a film director and producer, in October 1993 at a dinner party held at his home. "He was very well dressed, very shy," John says of their first meeting. Noting that he was "instantly" attracted to Furnish, the singer says their relationship took off from there. "The next night we had dinner...We fell in love very quickly."