by Jessica Smith, REDBOOK
Good news! You never have to do another crunch again. The best move for flat, pulled-in abs is the plank. (To do a plank, get in push-up position and lower your arms so your elbows rest on the ground. Hold for 45 seconds or longer and be careful not to arch your back.)
Here are three reasons a plank is more beneficial than a crunch:
1. The plank does more for your abdominal muscles.
“Your TVA’s (transversus abdominis) get a far greater involvement with a plank”, says Alex Figueroa, fitness expert and founder and lead trainer for In addition, the abdominals receive both strengthening as well as aspects of flexibility through the plank. The crunch is an isolated exercise, and it does its function well”, says Figueroa, it strengthens the rectus abdominus. But it’s “far from functional, and for most people, far from what is needed for a healthy balanced body”.
Related: How to Find Your Magic Weight
2. The plank is a multi-tasking move.
Who does just one thing at time in life anymore? Why should your abs exercise be any different? A crunch only works your abdominal wall, while a plank is a total body exercise that also engages your core (abs & lower back), helps better your posture and works shoulder stabilization. Plus, “You never know when you are going to need to support your own weight and lift yourself off the floor,” says Jackson Williams, assistant fitness manager for the Sports Club/LA in Boston.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Flat Abs Faster: 3 Reasons To Stop Crunching
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Ohio man runs a commercial to propose to his girlfriend
Marriage Proposal1
It's getting harder out there for a guy who wants to raise big public fanfare around his marriage proposal. In the media-saturated American scene, you see proposals turning up in newspaper ads, skywriting appeals and--of course--the venerable stadium Jumbotron. So how does a lovestruck beau make his offer really stand out? Why, he asks his lady to marry him in a TV commercial, of course. And that's just what David Jones--a Cleveland-based video producer, conveniently enough--did yesterday to in a successful bid for the hand of his girlfriend, Dee Horton.
On Thursday, Horton and her co-workers at a Medina, Ohio hair salon tuned in to the midday newscast on Cleveland's WJW-TV. Jones had told her that he'd be portraying some sort of superhero in a commercial. But as she went about trimming a client's hair with one eye on the broadcast, she soon realized that she was the sole member of this particular commercial's target demographic.
"A lot of people say we're living on love, like it's a bad thing," Jones said in the commercial. "How about you and I show the world what true love is all about?" He then pulled out a ring and proposed, and a few seconds later Jones emerged in the salon with a WJW camera crew, and dropped to his knees to propose in person.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Peeking under the mattress
You've heard the horror stories. Husbands and wives accused of hiding income and assets from each other as lawyers and accountants shepherd them through a nasty divorce. But even among blissfully wedded couples, financial advisors say there is an alarming amount of spousal secrecy going on when it comes to financial affairs.
The secret credit card. According to Stephanie Holmes-Winton, president and CEO of The Money Finder in Halifax, secret credit cards are all-too common. "The Benchleys" came to her for a financial tune-up. She found a monthly budget that just wouldn't balance. The culprit? Turns out Mr. Benchley was holding a credit card he had addressed to a P.O. Box and his secret payments to it were throwing off the household accounts.
Fluffing the office. Investments in artwork, antiques, collectables or even expensive clothing are sometimes kept at the office rather than brought home where they might be questioned. Similarly, how many of us have covertly smuggled a new pair of boots into the closet, only to pass them off later, saying "What? No, I've had these for months!"
Colluding with the boss. Someone who is considering (or fearing) a split might hide income by asking their employer to delay payment of salary, commissions, a bonus, salary increase or stock options. Or if they are business owners themselves, they might effectively manage their T4s in order to obscure the reality of their income from their spouse.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Google Moves to Shuffle Down Low-Quality Sites
Google Moves to Shuffle Down Low-Quality Sites
By Jeremy Kirk, IDG News Feb 25, 2011 7:40 am
Google has made a significant change to its search engine that will push further down in its rankings websites that pilfer content from other places on the Internet or do not offer high-quality information, the company said in a blog post on Thursday.
The changes to its algorithms impact 11.8 percent of all queries, a significant change considering most people barely notice incremental changes the company makes. Initially, the change only applies to Google users in the U.S. but the company said it plans to roll it out further.
"We believe it's a big step in the right direction of helping people find ever higher quality in our results," wrote Amit Singhal, a Google Fellow, and Matt Cutts, a principal engineer. "We've been tackling these issues for more than a year, and working on this specific change for the past few months. And we're working on many more updates that we believe will substantially improve the quality of the pages in our results."
Many websites will cut portions of, for example, news articles with a small summary, which is usually cut directly from the story. The publisher of the site may offer little or no original content, but the sites can rise in the search rankings.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Massive iceberg shears off after N. Zealand quake
A 30 million tonne block of ice sheared off a New Zealand glacier just minutes after a violent earthquake devastated the city of Christchurch, officials said Wednesday.The huge iceberg crashed into a lake shortly after the 6.3 magnitude tremor rocked the South Island on Tuesday and created waves up to three metres high for 30 minutes which rocked two sightseeing boats on the lake at the time.
The enormous iceberg -- estimated to weigh 30 to 40 million tonnes -- began ripping off the Tasman Glacier at Aoraki Mount Cook National Park accompanied by a loud noise which sounded like a rifle shot, a local tourism official said.
Aoraki Mount Cook Alpine Village tourism manager Denis Callesen said locals had been expecting a major iceberg to drop from the glacier for the past month, but the "curve ball" was that the event was caused by an earthquake.
"The earthquake that we felt here was a swaying motion for about a minute, then it stopped and then it swayed for about another minute," he told AFP.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Amazing 95-year-old Bronx sprinter sets world track record
Ida Keeling may be 95 years old, but she looks, acts and runs like a woman 20 years her junior.
The Bronx native set a world record last week by running 60 meters in 29.86 seconds, the fastest time ever for a 95-year-old. Setting records is nothing new for Keeling. Three years ago she broke the mark for the fastest sprint ever by a runner over the age of 90.
Keeling started running in 1983 when she was a spry 67. Even then, she says she was the oldest person around. Her daughter convinced her to take up the sport after her two sons were killed in drug-related incidents and her husband died of a heart attack. Since then, she has been competing in meets across the globe.
When she's not running in the corridors of her apartment or on the track, Keeling said she eats well and lifts weights to maintain her healthy lifestyle.
"My secret is, feel good about yourself [and] have a good attitude about yourself," she told ABC News. "I just close my eyes and say count your blessings, Ida. Count your blessings. Stay alert and focus and that's it."
That's sage advice for folks of any age.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Small Business Online Advertising - Affordable Way to Promote Your Local Business
There are millions of small businesses in North America. These businesses range from a mom and pop corner store to a boutique salon. While many local businesses may be worried about so many problems, advertising is one of the most common concerns. After all, without people in the business to purchase the goods or services that the business provides, the business will not survive. Many small businesses have traditionally advertised in newspapers, radio and television advertising. However, newspapers have dwindling readership, radio ads are only effective during periods when individuals are actually paying attention and fewer individuals are actively watch television. Many business owners need to turn to small business online advertising to make up the difference.
There are a number of benefits to advertising your local business online. First, you will be able to reach a much targeted audience. Many online advertising companies allow you to target the age, gender and other characteristics that make up your target demographic. This saves you time and money because your ads will not be displayed to individuals who are not interested in your business. Online advertising for local business is not advertising on one website. It is determining which ad networks will be able to show your businesses' ads to the correct audience.
Oscar telecast nixing montages, elaborate tributes
By Gregg Kilday
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - As preparations for next Sunday's Academy Awards move into high gear, the show's producers have booted a number of familiar elements.
Gone will be the movie montages -- like last year's salute to horror movies -- that often contribute to the broadcast's unwieldy running time. While there will be film clips from the ten best picture nominees and brief filmed introductions to different segments of the show, "Within the body of the show, we are not doing any film montage sequences," said Bruce Cohen, who will produce with Don Mischer.
Gone too will be the relatively new tradition, established just two years ago, of using five presenters to offer tribute testimonials about each of the best actor and actress nominees. "We're not going to do that this year," Cohen told the Hollywood Reporter. "What we did love about it was that it was a moment where each of the nominees really gets their due. (But) we found a version of that, without using the five people on stage, from the 1970 Oscars, and we stole it."
The producers also have enlisted the nominees' mothers to participate in promotion and pre-show activities, and some of them will be in the audience for the telecast.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Prince William and Kate Middleton send out prized royal wedding invites
LONDON - Keep an eye on the mailbox — Britain's Prince William and bride-to-be Kate Middleton have posted out invites to their hotly anticipated royal wedding to around 1,900 guests, officials said Sunday.St. James's Palace said military personnel and charity workers will mingle with European royalty, diplomats and the family and friends of the couple at the Westminster Abbey ceremony on April 29.
Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh will lead a group of 50 members of the British royal family at the wedding, while around 40 representatives of foreign royal families — likely to include dignitaries from Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Greece — will also attend.
It isn't yet known whether celebrities including singer Elton John — a friend of William's mother Diana, the Princess of Wales — or Kanye West, a favourite of the prince who performed at a 2007 tribute concert for his mother, are among those who'll receive a prized invite.
Britain's Sunday Express newspaper reported that footballer David Beckham and his wife Victoria are on the royal guest list. William worked with Beckham on England's failed bid to win the right to host the 2018 World Cup.
In a statement, William's office insisted it would not disclose details of individual guests. Royal officials also declined to confirm reports that William's aunt, Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, won't be invited.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Kayakers snap photo of England’s version of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’
Nothing puts a damper on a serene afternoon's kayaking like the sight of a primeval sea monster.Lake Windermere monster
That was the rude lesson for Tom Pickles and Sarah Harrington, who'd taken their watercraft out on the foggy waters of Lake Windermere, only to encounter what appeared to be "an enormous snake" swimming by.
"It was petrifying and we paddled back to the shore straight away. At first I thought it was a dog and then saw it was much bigger and moving really quickly at about 10 mph," the 24-year-old Pickles told The Telegraph. "Each hump was moving in a rippling motion and it was swimming fast. Its skin was like a seal's but its shape was completely abnormal—it's not like any animal I've ever seen before."
But what did Pickles and Harrington expect? Didn't they know that Lake Windermere is reputedly the home of the British version of the Loch Ness monster? In the past five years, sojourners on the lake have reported eight sightings of a Nessie-like serpent.
But the kayaking couple rallied from their shock and snapped the clearest photo of the Windermere "monster" since the sightings began. A journalism professor and his wife inaugurated the recent spate of Nessie-esque encounters on the lake back in 2006 reporting they had seen a "giant eel" somewhere between 15-20 feet long.
Ever since then, researchers have set out upon the lake with sonar equipment, in pursuit of "Bow-Nessie," as the creature's British compatriots like to call it. But so far, their efforts haven't borne fruit.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Free Business Advertising Online
Simon Cowell grooms Canadian Heather Russell, 10, as next Justin Bieber
Before he became famous as the barb-wired judge on "American Idol," Simon Cowell had no qualms with putting his name on any music that had the prospect of being successful, even if the credited artists were the Teletubbies or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.So, it's no surprise he has struck a deal with 10-year-old Heather Russell, who not only hails from the same general geographic area as Justin Bieber, but has gained global attention in a similar way.
News of the signing should exponentially increase the views for the YouTube video of Heather's drama-saturated song "You're Beautiful," which she composed by herself on piano at age 8, among several other moody tunes.
A three-year-old clip of a pre-teen Bieber singing Chris Brown's "With You" in the family room, which led him on the path to stardom after his mother uploaded it to YouTube, has now been viewed more than 26 million times.
Heather was similarly encouraged by her parents, particularly guitar-strumming dad James Russell who accompanied her on a video performance of "Every Step of the Way," which was posted online last summer.
The reaction hasn't been entirely complimentary.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Couple reluctantly steps forward to claim lottery winnings
You'd think that the news that you'd won the lottery would galvanize you to pick up the check--and probably quit your job--with all deliberate haste. Not so for North Carolina lottery winners Raleigh and Erin Hill of North Carolina who waited until the day before the ticket expired to cash on their winnings.Even though they learned of their good fortune a few weeks after the Aug. 20 announcement of the winning North Carolina Mega-Millions lottery ticket, the Hills put off claiming the proceeds from their million-dollar winning ticket. Instead they spent the next six months or so hiding the ticket away in an assortment of places--inside a Bible, a shoebox, an envelope and a work locker.
Why the delayed gratification? It certainly wasn't the case that they live in such opulence that they could take or leave their winnings. Raleigh, who bought the ticket, is a baggage handler, and Erin works for the federal government. No, it appears that the couple was haunted by a sense of unease over the many families who've won a lottery windfall only to see it destroy their lives and relationships.
Raleigh was so fearful of "the hoopla," in fact, that he waited several weeks before telling his wife that he had the winning ticket. And then one day, when she was fretting about having an awful day, he let her in on his secret. "Things aren't all that bad," he told her after leaving the winning ticket on her computer screen.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Christina Applegate Says Birth Of Daughter Helped Heal Her After Cancer Battle: 'Now, I'm Mom'
Christina Applegate became cancer-free in 2008, following a double mastectomy, but talking about the disease took its toll.
"I've had to talk about that word [cancer] more than I've ever had to talk about a word in my life," the actress told People magazine, which features her and newborn Sadie Grace, on its current cover. "After a while you're like, 'There's got to be something else to me.'"
However, the former "Samantha Who?" star said that her daughter, Sadie Grace, with fiancé Martin LeNoble has changed all that.
"Yeah, now I'm Mom. She's healed me in so many ways," Christina said. "She's just made my life so much better. She's opened my whole soul."
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Christina Applegate
Christina gave birth to her daughter on January 27, and she said the moment was deeply "profound" for her.
"I felt my heart literally open up for the first time and like wrap itself around her. It was profound," the actress told the mag. "And I'm more in love with her every minute of the day."
Still, like many new moms, sometimes Christina feels like she's not doing everything perfectly.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Angry Justin Bieber fans vandalize Esperanza Spalding’s Wikipedia page
If you were wondering "who the heck is Esperanza Spalding" as she accepted her Grammy for Best New Artist, you are not alone.But anyone who searched online following Sunday night's awards show may have been ill-informed, to say the least.
According to Gawker, angry fans of Justin Bieber retaliated against the Canadian teen heartthrob's Grammy snub by vandalizing her Wikipedia page.
After the opening paragraph was updated to include Spalding's Grammy accomplishment, the tail-end of the paragraph was later edited by an angery Bieber fan.
"JUSTIN BIEBER DESERVED IT GO DIE IN A HOLE WHO THE HECK ARE YOU ANYWAY?" was added following the mention of the Grammy win, but the dislike didn't stop there.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Soccer star's girlfriend on Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue cover
By Chris Chase
Irina Shayk, girlfriend of international soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, is the cover model for the 2011 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. The announcement was made Monday night on "The Late Show with David Letterman."
It will mark Shayk's first time on the cover of the annual issue. She has posed for the magazine for the past four years in addition to work with Armani and Guess.
The 25-year-old Russian said she was surprised when she was revealed as the cover model during the taping of Letterman.
"There were 10 models to do the Top 10 List, and nobody knows until the last minute who the cover will be," Shayk said, sticking to her story. "And then I saw it, and I couldn't believe it."
Though the announcement was supposed to wait until the end of Letterman's show, word of Shayk's cover got out on Twitter late on Monday afternoon. Because "The Late Show" films in the afternoon, the billboard was uncovered briefly for taping and then recovered moments later. In that brief time, a woman took a photo of Shayk's cover, which let the cat out of the bag a few hours early.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lady Gaga arrives at Grammys in giant egg
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Flamboyant pop star Lady Gaga made her entrance to the Grammy Awards on Sunday encased in a giant egg.Gaga, 24, who was competing for five Grammy Awards, arrived on the red carpet inside an alien-like egg carried aloft by attendants dressed in gold.
The singer and performance artist could barely be seen inside the enclosure, apart from the occasional wave of a black-gloved hand.
It was the latest in a series of increasingly bizarre outfits from Lady Gaga, including a headline-grabbing dress made entirely of raw meat that she wore to the MTV Music Video Awards in September.
In a Twitter message sent shortly after her red-carpet arrival, Lady Gaga said: "This is Nicola, Haus of Gaga: Gaga is in incubation. Tonight's performance is in collaboration with Hussein Chalayan and House of Mugler. X"
Lady Gaga was expected to perform her new single "Born This Way" live on the Grammy stage later on Sunday.
She picked up one Grammy during a ceremony preceding the main telecast on Sunday for best short-form video for "Bad Romance" but was not on hand to accept the trophy.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What to do if you get stuck in snow, sand, or mud
Getting stuck in snow is annoying at best. And in addition to being inconvenient and uncomfortable, it can also be dangerous.
If you're stuck along a busy roadway, you and your car are at risk of being hit by other vehicles, and if you're not dressed for the weather, the exposure to the elements risks hypothermia. As wind increases, heat is carried away from your body faster, driving down your temperature. Frostbite, which is damage to body tissue caused by extreme cold, can occur in as little as 30 minutes with a wind chill of -29-degrees Celsius. And after dark, the danger is even worse.
More from Consumer Reports:
• Tire-buying advice and ratings
• Most reliable new cars, and ones to avoidWith heavy snowfalls, the odds of getting stuck are even higher. But you can often drive yourself out of trouble if you know what to do. Here are some tips to help keep you from getting stuck in the first place, and things to do if your vehicle gets hopelessly in a jam. Just keep in mind that if you're in too deep, calling a tow truck is probably the safest thing to do.
Plan ahead. Keep your tires in good shape, properly inflated and not too worn. If you live in an area where it snows a lot, consider investing in winter tires. Also, carry a cell phone and sign up with a roadside-assistance program, such as AAA or Better World Club. Some car insurance companies also offer programs; check to see if yours is one of them. Another option becoming increasingly available are telematics systems such as GM's OnStar.
If you're stuck, rock out. Keep the wheels straight, and using a very light touch on the gas pedal, rock the car forward and back by switching between drive and reverse. If the tires start to spin, stop and change direction. In deep snow, and especially in soft sand and mud, spinning the tires just digs you in deeper. If your transmission has a winter mode, use that. If you have a manual transmission, use second gear. Once you get going, don't stop until you reach solid ground. But if you get nowhere after eight or 10 attempts, try the next tip.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Charlie Sheen reaches divorce deal with estranged wife
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Charlie Sheen and his estranged third wife, Brooke Mueller, have agreed to the terms of their divorce, capping a brief, stormy marriage that collapsed after a violent quarrel on Christmas Day 2009.
The divorce settlement, which cannot become final before May, was revealed in court documents made public on Thursday by the celebrity website
News of the agreement comes about two weeks after Sheen entered rehab following a reported 36-hour binge of drug and alcohol abuse, forcing production to be halted on his top-rated CBS television comedy, "Two and a Half Men."
Under terms of the settlement, which TMZ said was filed on Thursday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Mueller will gain primary physical custody of the couple's twin 2-year-old sons, Bob and Max, and Sheen will pay child support of $55,000 a month.
Sheen, 45, Mueller, 33, have been separated since December 2009, when the actor was arrested in the ski resort of Aspen, Colorado, on charges of assaulting his wife during an argument on Christmas Day.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Michelle Obama Wows In A $35 H&M Dress
In her first-ever morning show appearance, First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on the "Today" show to talk to Matt Lauer about a number of issues, including President Obama's job performance and the fact that he quit smoking. She also dispelled rumors that the President dyes his grey hair.
She wore a $34.95 H&M printed dress (her stylist added the 3/4-length sleeves) with a pretty ruffled neckline and cinched it at the waist with a wide orange leather belt and canary yellow kitten heel pumps. Mrs. Obama exudes ease and confidence in the sweet feminine dress with bold accessories.
Wonder if this is a cheeky little statement she's making after taking so much heat for wearing a gown made by the late British designer Alexander McQueen to the White House state dinner, instead of an American designer...
(Photo: Peter Kramer/AP)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Why Advertise Online - Grow Local Business Online
Internet Marketing and Internet Advertising are playing important role for small business owners. The days of spending thousands and thousands of dollars for an ad in the Yellow Pages are over.
Your potential customers are NOT looking in the Yellow Pages anymore – they are searching online. 87% percent of Internet traffic involves a search engine.
This means that 87% of the consumers in your market will try and find information about you, your products, and/or your services on a search engines such as Google, MSN, or Yahoo. Can they find you?
Do you know that online advertising can be much less expensive and much more effective?
Sadly, not many local small business owners are taking advantage of the opportunities they have to place their business where consumers are looking for them.
I’m sure you would agree that having your company’s website on the first page of Google, preferably in the number one spot, is the goal of most business owners when they get their business online. However, as I’m sure you also know, most will never achieve that goal.
Contact Grow Local Business Online today ! We can help you get listed and get FOUND online.
Apple Is Most Valuable Company on Earth: Analysts
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On Tuesday February 8, 2011, 1:28 pm ESTAnalysts have had three weeks since Apple (NasdaqGS:AAPL - News) reported its best quarter ever to breakdown the results and the verdict is finally in: Apple should be the most valuable company on earth.
Since the Jan. 18 report where Apple said it sold a record 16 million iPhones last quarter and nearly doubled the sales of iPads, at least five firms have raised their 12-month forecast on the stock to an average price of $467, or a 32 percent increase from here. At that level, Apple's market value would total $433.7 billion, flying past Exxon Mobil's current market value of $423.2 billion.
After underestimating iPhone and iPad sales for the last year, analysts as a group have ratcheted their numbers up for Apple this year more than any other technology company, according to analysis by Bespoke Investment Group.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Study Says Women Lose Their Looks At 35 Years Old
Another day, another beauty study designed to make women feel bad about getting older. Researchers at Japanese skincare brand SK-II conducted a study with Fukui University and claim to have pinpointed the exact age when ladies start rapidly maturing. Apparently at 35.09 years old the magic aging fairy waves her wand and wrinkles start appearing, skin starts sagging, and your appearance won't be able to rebound from things like lack of sleep or too many cocktails or a day in the sun quite the same way it used to. But not to fear, says SK-II, since their $250 Skin Signature Melting Rich Cream can help freeze time for a little while longer.
Um. We have a few issues with this new information.
- What about this other similar QVC survey from July that claimed women reach their beauty peak at 31 years old? Why have we suddenly been granted another four years of looking like hot young things?
- How does this fit in with the survey from Superdrug last December that said 52 years old is the perfect age for plastic surgery?
- How exactly do we all start looking older at precisely 35.09 years old? Does this mean that someone who drinks, or smokes, or eats unhealthily, or has never used sunblock their whole lives will have the same appearance as someone who has lived their life in a bubble getting eight hours of blissful sleep a night?
- With all the recent talk that miracle anti-aging creams are totally bogus, why should we shell out $250 for yet another one claiming to be the fountain of youth?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Deals for Valentines Day
Deals for Valentine's Day
Updated: Tuesday, 08 Feb 2011, 8:31 AM CST
Published : Tuesday, 08 Feb 2011, 8:31 AM CST
The countdown is on for all of you love birds out there. Valentines Day is right around the corner and Derica Williams has some more money saving tips in Tuesday’s “Dollars and Sense.”
Coupon expert, Shannon Gunderson, stopped by Studio 10 to talk about some holiday savings.
1. Going out to dinner?
Take advantage of the daily local deal sites that offer 50%-90% savings to restaurants and entertainment in our area!
Fox 10 offers Fifty Off Fridays, I recently purchased a $40 gift certificate for food and drinks for $20 to a popular local restaurant!
2. Buying Candy?
Printable candy coupons online are still plentiful. The Bargain Buggy, has a complete list of the printable coupons currently available. Tip: Hold those coupons until after Valentine's Day and take advantage of the sales!
6 Mistakes Men Make On Valentine's Day
Posted By Piper Weiss Shine Staff, Wed, 2 Feb 12:41 PMMemo to men: Valentine’s Day is on February 14. In years past, has noticed a spike in men searching for an answer to the question: “When is Valentine's Day?” as the day fast approaches. Of all the holidays on the yearly calendar, the one designated for romance never fails to trip guys up. Blame mixed messages: While retailers consider the holiday worthy of diamonds, many women take the stance that it's no big deal.
Don’t fall for any of it. Valentines Day is when a guy’s affection, compatibility, and commitment are put to the test. Forgetting the day is just the first mistake to avoid. There are six other common mistakes men make on February 14. Here's a cheat sheet.
Mistake #1: Getting words of wisdom from your local drug store.
There's a time and a place for Hallmark poetry and it's never on Valentine's Day. No matter how cursive, heartfelt, and close-to-home the text, you still didn't write it.
Why it’s bad: Women want to feel special. Giving a card that’s designed to cater to millions of women on Valentine’s Day sends the message that your love is a lot like everyone else's. It also suggests you bought some Rite Guard in the next aisle while you were at it. Nobody wants to feel like one of two birds.
The fix: Cliché as it seems, the thought really does count. More than 75 percent of women claim to want nothing more than a heart-felt love letter on February 14. Relationship psychologist Dr. Terri Orbuch also suggests a personal note trumps even chocolate. "Which says 'I love you' more: a box of candy or a handwritten note telling your partner you'd still choose him/her if you had to do it all over again?" asks Orbuch. "Show your partner why he/she matters so much to you."
Monday, February 7, 2011
Video of uncontacted Amazon tribe triggering change
Deep in the world's largest rainforest, a few scatted tribes are clinging to a way of life on the verge of extinction.Now the BBC and Survival International have teamed up for a campaign to help protect the last remaining uncontacted tribes in the Amazon. Their strategy? Use photos and videos to convince the world not only do these peoples exist, but that they are worth protecting.
Former "X-Files" star Gillian Anderson narrates a newly released video in which members of a tribe can be seen covered in red body paint, surrounded by their homes and gardens, looking up curiously at the aircraft above them.
Check out the video below.
The footage was taken from a distance of 1 kilometre in an effort to minimize disruption, however, the tribespeoples' upturned faces suggest the effort was somewhat fruitless.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Discovered Ming vase will make retired factory worker wealthy
It's the dream of any antique collector: You impulsively spend a few bucks on a trinket at an estate sale or an antiques store, and later discover that it's worth more than what you paid for it. Much more.ming vase
And that's pretty much the dream that came true for a 79-year-old British retired worker from the Cadbury chocolate factory, who recently walked into an auction house with a near-perfect Ming vase in a cardboard box.
It's unknown how the man, who wanted the press to refrain from publishing his name, came into possession of the rare vase, but staffers at Duke's—the Dorchester auction house that took it in—were astounded by the "spectacular find."
"When my colleague initially showed me what had arrived in a cardboard box I could not believe my eyes," Guy Schwinge of Duke's told the Guardian. "The vase is in perfect condition, and it is amazing to think that it has survived unscathed for almost six hundred years."
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Kings, queens found to have most dangerous job
It may look like Prince William has a lot to look forward to with his wedding and impending kingship, but a new study shows that being king is the most lethal job in history.The study reveals the rate of violent death among European royals is higher than for soldiers in modern war zones. Almost a quarter (22 per cent) of the royals have died in bloody circumstances and 15 per cent of the deaths were a result of murder.
Cambridge University professor Manuel Eisner looked at 1,513 European kings and queens over 1,200 years. He discovered that a king or queen is four times more likely to die than a soldier and 200 times more likely to die than the average person living in the city with the highest murder rate in the world - Cuidad Juarez, Mexico.
To contrast with Canada, which has about 600 murders per year, kings and queens are over 8,300 times more likely to be murdered than the average Canadian.
"The rate at which they were murdered was stunningly high," Eisner said in a recent Guardian article. "I was astonished by how much violence was perpetrated, almost exclusively by elite power groups."
He found the most common reason monarchs were killed was power. Neighbouring monarchs were also responsible for many of the murders along with reasons such as personal grievances and revenge.
Friday, February 4, 2011
114-year-old US woman believed to be oldest person in the world
MONROE, Ga. - At 114 years old and counting, Besse Cooper says it's "rather great" to be the oldest person in the world.She makes her 75-year-old son proud.
"We were delighted when she got to 100. We thought that was a great achievement," said Sid Cooper. "We never imagined she'd live to be the oldest person in the world."
Cooper, who is 114 years and 5 months old, assumed the mantle of the oldest living person after the death Monday of Eunice G. Sanborn of Texas, according to the Los Angeles-based Gerontology Research Group. The group certifies supercentenarians — people who are 110 or older.
Cooper wears a string of pearls double-looped around her neck and spends her days sitting and sleeping. She now lives in a nursing home outside Atlanta. Her wheelchair has bright pink armrests embroidered with "Ms. Besse, 2010 114."
She was born in Tennessee on Aug. 26, 1896, during the second term of President Grover Cleveland.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Eight Healthy Breakfast Dos And Don'ts And Morning Sandwich Recipe
By Megan MacMillan
How's this for a wake-up call: Research shows that eating breakfast may help you lose weight, perform better at work, and lower your risk of heart disease and obesity. Here are easy ways to start your day right.
1. Slice and savour
To reap all the benefits of your favourite fruit, eat it immediately after cutting it up. Carving an apple or peeling a banana and saving half for later leaves the fruit exposed to the air, which can destroy some of its vitamins and antioxidants.2. Designate breakfast your biggest meal of the day
Research suggests that those who eat more in the morning make healthier food choices and consume fewer calories throughout the day. In one study from Virginia Commonwealth University, participants who ate a 610-calorie breakfast rich in carbs and lean protein (including milk, whole-wheat bread, turkey, eggs and cheese) for eight weeks lost more than 21 percent of their body weight, compared to just 4.5 percent for the eaters who consumed a 290-calorie breakfast. The first group also reported less hunger and fewer cravings overall.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Intel's Billion-Dollar Mistake
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Symbol Price Change INTC 21.66 +0.18
Matt Rosoff, On Monday January 31, 2011, 12:01 pm ESTIntel is recalling an untold number of high-end desktop PCs because of a design flaw, and expects the problem to cost the company about $1 billion.
The design flaw affects the Intel 6 (formerly codenamed Cougar Point) support chip, which rides alongside the Sandy Bridge processor on motherboards. The flaw could cause performance problems with devices connected via Serial ATA ports, such as hard drives and DVD drives.
The chip has shipped in desktop PCs only since January 9th, and only Second Generation Core i5 and Core i7 quad core based systems should be affected. Those are among the most powerful PCs available, and are used for running processor-intensive applications like video rendering. Notebooks use a different support chip, codenamed Huron Bridge.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Diddy sued for $1 trillion, blamed for 9/11
New York, Jan 29 (ANI): A woman from Los Angeles has reportedly filed a 1- trillion-dollar lawsuit against music mogul Diddy, claiming that he is responsible for the September 11 attacks.According to the Hollywood Reporter, Valerie Joyce Wilson Turks also accused Diddy, whose real name is Sean Combs, his ex-girlfriend Kim Porter and police brutality victim Rodney King of somehow being responsible for the collapse of the World Trade Center.
After they "knocked down the WTC" she wrote, the three came and "knocked my children down."
Turks also added that Diddy stole a poker chip worth "100 zillions of dollars" that she won in a Mississippi casino and later gave it away to someone else.
She further claimed she once dated Diddy and that the 41-year-old rapper is the father of her 23-year-old son.