Brandon Stuart wanted to help so he spent $700 on the Toledo sign and is hoping it will lead to offers
Holly Stuard's husband has purchased a billboard to help his wife's job search (
Unemployment in Ohio sits at more than seven per cent and one man is taking a bit of an unconventional approach to helping his wife find a job.
Holly Stuart lost her job at the University of Toledo due to budget cuts a year ago and hasn't been able to land anything since. So her husband Brandon decided to help out and purchased a billboard to advertise her services.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Husband buys billboard to help wife get a job
Sylvester Stallone's Son Sage Died From a Heart Condition
Sylvester Stallone's son Sage, 36, died from natural causes due to a heart condition and not a drug overdose, the Los Angeles County coroner's office said Thursday.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Besse Cooper, world’s oldest living person offers tips on longevity
What does it take to live to be the oldest person on the planet? Besse Cooper knows. The American super centenarian celebrated her 116th birthday on Saturday, a milestone that the Guinness Book of World Records says only eight people have ever reached.Besse Cooper is the oldest person in the world. (The Canadian Press, File)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Mountain lion caught in downtown Reno after trying to enter Harrah's
RENO, Nev. - A mountain lion has been caught after trying to slip into a casino in downtown Reno, Nevada, ahead of the breakfast rush.
Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Chris Healy says the young male cat's behaviour was "almost the equivalent of being a stupid teenager."
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Top Chef Masters' Art Smith Dops 120 Pounds. Also, He's Ripped
Top Chef Masters' Art Smith traded in half his weight in exchange for a six-pack. (Bravo)Trend alert: celebrity chefs going on diets. First Paula Deen dropped a 30 pounds in June and now Top Chef Masters' Art Smith is upping the ante. On Wednesday night's episode of Bravo's all-star cooking show, Smith stripped down to a speedo to reveal his dramatic weight loss, not to mention his six pack. "I feel like Bo Derek," Smith joked, during the episode's pool party cooking challenge.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
PR consultant: More Prince Harry photos may emerge
LONDON - Brace yourself, Harry.
Britain's most prominent public relations guru said Friday he'd been approached by two women who want to sell their photos of Prince Harry, suggesting that the world may soon be seeing more of the unusually exposed British royal.
In comments to BBC television, Max Clifford said he had been approached by two American women who claim they were in the prince's hotel room in the U.S. last week. Clifford, a savvy operator famous for negotiating kiss-and-tell interviews, said the women were trying to sell their photographs — but that he had turned them down.
8 Ingredients You Never Want to See on Your Nutrition Label
The year was 1950, and The Magic 8-Ball had just arrived in stores. It looked like a toy, but it wasn't. It was a future-telling device, powered by the unknown superpowers that lived inside its cheap plastic shell. Despite a bit of an attitude—"Don't count on it," "My reply is no"—it was a huge success. Americans, apparently, want to see their futures.
A few decades later, Congress passed the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act that, among other things, turned the 45,000 food products in the average supermarket into fortune-telling devices. Americans inexplicably yawned. I'm trying to change that. Why? The nutrition label can predict the future size of your pants and health care bills.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Man Bites Snake to Death in Revenge
A Nepali man who was bitten by a cobra snake subsequently bit the snake to death, a local newspaper reported on Thursday (Aug. 23).
After being bitten by the snake, while he was working in his rice paddy on Tuesday, 55-year-old Mohamed Salmo Miya chased the snake, caught it and bit it until it died, the Annapurna Post reported, according to Reuters.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Celebrities who live in modest homes
Living in the limelight doesn't always mean residing in extravagant luxury. More celebrities go home to bungalows, split-levels, and ranches than you might think. In some cases, it's because a modest home is all that's affordable in the pricey Los Angeles real estate market. In other cases, low-profile digs are an attempt at privacy and a simpler life. For others, the jet-set life is split between multiple cities -- so why put down permanent roots?
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Most stolen cars: Is yours on the list?
Thieves steal Hondas and Toyotas from the 1990s more than other models because they can chop them up and sell them for parts that are worth more than the car. But thefts of newer cars are also rising, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mike Holmes makes Forbes list of most trustworthy celebrities
George Pimentel/WireImage
He's already Canada's most trusted contractor, but now, Mike Holmes is considered the third-most trustworthy celebrity in the world.
In its list of most trustworthy stars, Forbes has awarded the Canadian renovation expert and host of "Holmes on Homes" the No. 3 spot.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Prince William Helps Rescue Teen Girl at Sea
His title is Duke of Cambridge, but Prince William was a real-life knight in shining armor for a pair of teenage sisters in England.William, 30, was working his day job as a search-and-rescue pilot in the Royal Air Force (RAF) Thursday afternoon when a call came in that a 16-year-old girl had been swept out to sea off the coast of Silver Bay in Anglesey.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Blood type may signal heart disease risk
DALLAS - Here's another reason to know your blood type — it might be a clue to your risk of heart disease.
New research shows people who have blood types A, B or AB have a slightly higher risk of heart disease compared to those with O, the most common kind of blood type.
Harvard researcher Dr. Lu Qi (Key) says those who know they are at higher risk may be more motivated to make changes to lower their chances of heart disease.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Now available on eBay: Florida man selling his entire life
Popular online shopping depot eBay offers some pretty unusual wares — anything from "annoying but cuddly grandmothers" to a piece of Britney Spears' used chewing gum has been found among its ranks of items for sale.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Lake in southern France turns blood red
Seeing images of lakes turning blood red like this one in Camargue, France, can be a bit scary — especially if you have any nagging worries about 2012 actually being the year the world will end.
Sinister red water stretches as far as the eye can see in Camargue, France.
There's no need to worry, though. It happens every year, and it's completely natural.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Holy Herpetology! Burmese Python Found With Record 87 Eggs
A double record-setting Burmese python has been found in the Florida Everglades.
At 17 feet, 7 inches (5.3 meters) in length, it is the largest snake of its kind found in the state and it was carrying a record 87 eggs. Scientists say the finding highlights how dangerously comfortable the invasive species has become in its new home.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Unusually Strong Arctic Storm Spied from Above
An unusually strong storm formed off the coast of Alaska on Aug. 5, then moved over the central Arctic, where a NASA satellite took pictures of it that have been pieced together into a mosaic of the stunning sight.
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite took the images that make up the mosaic during various passes over the North Pole on Aug. 6, when the storm was swirling over the middle of the Arctic Ocean.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Perseid meteor shower set to light up Canadian skies this weekend
Photographer Jeff Berkes caught this Perseid meteor in Utah, 2011.Olympics fans have been watching stars compete in their various athletic trajectories, but this weekend there's another set of "stars" about to put on a spectacular showcase.
The annual Perseid meteor shower is set to hit its peak in our northern skies for what NASA predicts will be the "best meteor shower of the year" on Saturday night.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Tips to get a Guy to Commit if All He Wants Is Sex
Conjoined twins ‘Abby & Brittany’ get their own reality show [Video]
Abby & Brittany
TLC has given us reality TV shows about strange addictions, extreme couponers, and pint-size pageant queens. But it may top itself later this month with "Abby & Brittany," a look at the lives of conjoined twins Abigail and Brittany Hensel, who have miraculously survived to the age of 22 despite sharing one body fused together at the torso.
Friday, August 10, 2012
New Flat-Faced Human Species Possibly Discovered
New fossils from the dawn of the human lineage suggest our ancestors may have lived alongside a diversity of extinct human species, researchers say.
Although modern humans, Homo sapiens, are the only human species alive today, the world has seen a number of human species come and go. Other members perhaps include the recently discovered "hobbit" Homo floresiensis.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Why doesn’t sand stick to beach volleyball players?
Look closely at the picture above (click here for a bigger version). What do you notice? Better yet, what don't you notice?
Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings are sprawled out in the sand, a position they find themselves in more than a dozen times per match. They're surrounded by their sport's playing surface and it's kicked up all around them. But look at Kerri's legs. Check out Misty's arms and take special notice of her feet. There's no sand anywhere.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
5 steps to take to retire early
Early retirement is a goal for many people. The idea of leaving the rat race at 50--or even 35 or 40--is almost universally appealing. However, early retirement isn't something that just happens. You need to get your priorities straight, make a plan, and be diligent over time if you want to make an early retirement dream a reality. If you are serious about retiring early, here are five steps that will get you closer to saying goodbye to regular employment:
Monday, August 6, 2012
Anne Hathaway vs. Rooney Mara
Both Anne Hathaway of "The Dark Knight Rises" and Rooney Mara of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" are used to being the only motorcycle-riding, butt-kicking woman on the scene. Today, however, they'll have to fight for the title of leading lady! The actresses who play Catwoman and Lisbeth Salander, respectively, both donned the same Givenchy Spring 2012 dress featuring a peplum less than six months apart. So which one of them will be the heroine of this story? It's time to determine ... who wore it best?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
A sinkhole grows in Brooklyn (VIDEO)
A massive sinkhole opened up in Brooklyn on Wednesday, nearly swallowing a parked car and causing a giant headache for city workers, who plan to work through the weekend to repair it.
According to, the 20-foot-deep by 20-foot-wide hole formed at around 6 p.m. in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn. A woman and her mother had just parked their car when the sinkhole appeared, leaving the vehicle teetering on the sinkhole's edge.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Amazing Photo: 'Fire Rainbow' Over South Florida
So-called "fire rainbows" are neither on fire nor are they rainbows, but they sure are stunning.
They are technically known as iridescent clouds, a relatively rare phenomenon caused by clouds of water droplets of nearly uniform size, according to a release by NASA. These clouds diffract, or bend, light in a similar manner, which separates out light into different wavelengths, or colors.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Woman lifts car off father, saves his life
Lauren Kornacki's quick thinking most likely saved her father's life when a car he was working on fell on him.
With more than a ton-and-a-half a BMW 525i on top of her dad, Lauren's called on her strength and smarts.
"I just lifted up kind of right here and just kind of threw it, shoved my body into it as hard as I could. And then I came back and dragged him out and started CPR," Kornacki told Fox 19.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
How this Colorado couple built an extraordinary treehouse village in Costa Rica
Erica and Matt Hogan never intended to walk away with 600 acres of wild rainforest when they went shopping for a little piece of Costa Rica to call their own in 2006.
That was until they happened upon a slice of land that was marketed as a potential harvesting site (i.e.:prime for deforestation) and decided to save it from the chopping block.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Get healthier joints with anti-inflammatory cherries
The peak of summer means it's cherry season in Canada, which is great news for everyone but could be especially good news if you have joint issues. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that as many as 20 percent of adults suffer from arthritis and/or chronic joint symptoms. These joint-related issues may keep people from enjoying physical exercise, but an anti-inflammatory diet could provide some relief and increased mobility — read on to find out how cherries fit perfectly into that diet.