Monday, March 21, 2011

5 Jobs that Pay Over $50 K a Year Without a College or University

By Mark Swartz
Monster Senior Contributing Writer
Maybe you graduated from high school and didn’t have a chance to go to college or university. You’re looking around you and lots of those people who went on to higher education are now making pretty good money. Does your lack of a formal degree really leave you frozen out of higher paying positions?
Not if you’re willing to do some legwork and put your nose to the grindstone. There are more than a few occupations you could go after. Usually you have to learn a trade or study for some other credential, but not always.
Five $50K+ Careers To Consider
You may have been thinking that higher paying jobs only go to those who have a post-secondary diploma or university degree. In fact, just over half of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 65 have this type of education. Which means that a big chunk of our workforce doesn’t.
Here are just a few of the careers that can pay over $50k a year without college or university:

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