With 2012 being a leap year, it is a good time to remind ourselves why it is that we add an extra day to our calendar almost every four years.
The answer, simply put, is that the Earth doesn't take exactly 365 days to orbit the sun. It's actually closer to 365.242 days. While that may not seem like much, it amounts to almost six extra hours a year, which does add up over the long run.
A leap year helps to prevent the shift that would happen in our calendars because of these extra hours. Without it, our calendar would eventually fall out of sync with the weather. In 100 years, our calendar would be about 24 days off, and before we knew it, we'd be seeing winter-like conditions in July and have warm, sunny Decembers.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Why do we have leap years?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Jennifer Lopez’s Oscars Wardrobe Malfunction
Jennifer Lopez is no stranger to daring dresses. At this year's Oscars, the stunning star rocked a custom Zuhair Murad gown with a plunging neckline. And that's great, but while Lopez was chatting on the red carpet, her dress plunged a little too much, and many thought she revealed more than intended.
Lopez's stylist Mariel Haenn responded t0 the reports in a statement. "The dress fit perfectly to every inch," she said, adding that it included built-in cups to prevent any slips. "While the dress did give the illusion of sheer-ness, joke's on everyone who wishes they saw something!"
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Why Protein Intake for Building Muscle is Important
Protein Intake For Building Muscle
It is a well known fact that protein is required to build muscle, what is key though is that your protein intake amount is adequate. An easy way to know how much more protein to eat is to first figure out how many more calories you need to be eating.
Building muscle is like gaining weight it takes between 300 – 500 calories to put on extra muscle mass or weight. Remember eating 500 calories extra per day will have you gaining one pound per week.
Want an iPad 3? Sell Your iPad 2 Now
Listen up, Apple fans: save your personal files to your iCloud in the sky, and delete your apps – because the time is nigh to sell your iPad 2.Re-sale prices for the iPad 2 will fall as the official launch date for the iPad 3 — widely expected to be March 7 — edges closer, experts say. Consumers can expect to see a steep decline in value in the two to three weeks prior to the unveiling of the newer device, says Mark LoCastro, spokesman for sale aggregator site DealNews.com. “You’ll receive a higher resale value for your used device if you part with it now, rather than waiting for the newer generation to be announced,” he says.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
‘American Idol’ Top 24 (Or Make That 25?) Revealed
Wednesday night, 14 of this season's "American Idol" top 24 were announced, ending with what was supposed to be a cliffhanger as weepy scenery-chewer Adam Brock awaited his fate. Well, Adam found out within the first 90 seconds of Thursday's part 2 "Green Mile" episode that he'd made it (much to my dismay; see below for my mini-rant why). But there were a few other announcements this evening that were indeed surprising.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Oddest Oscar Dress: Credit Card Creation That Topped Swan Gown
Bjork's swan gown at the Oscars in 2001 was a showstopper, and not in a good way. But one Oscar nominee can take credit (pun intended) for the most bizarre look on the red carpet: the American Express dress.
Here's the story. The woman in the golden gown of plastic, Lizzy Gardiner, was nominated for best costume design back in 1994. The dress was an idea she had dreamed up for the movie "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert."
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Kate Middleton Reveals Dog's Name. It's Lupo
Kate Will and Lupo: one big happy family. (US Weekly)The newest member of the royal family has been named. All hail Lupo, the 3-month-old Cocker Spaniel, Kate Middleton and her husband Prince William adopted a few months back. The puppy was part of a litter bred by Middleton's mom, Carole.
Like much of Kate and Will's personal life, the puppy's name remained under wraps for some time.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Woman Dies, Runway Show Goes On. Fashion's Strange Reaction to Zelda Kaplan's Death - Shine from Yahoo! Canada
Zelda Kaplan is carried off as the show goes on. (AP)
House music fist-pumped on. Models kept their pace. And only a portion of the front row seemed to notice when an elderly woman was limply carried out of the show by two men. A few snapped photos on their camera phones.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner on ‘The Bodyguard’ Bond
Photo by Getty ImagesWhitney Houston's co-star from "The Bodyguard," Kevin Costner, will speak at her funeral this weekend. And that speaks to the special bond the two developed over their blockbuster movie.
The 1992 movie was a hit, and the song "I Will Always Love You," became Houston's signature anthem. The film starred Houston as a megastar threatened by a stalker, with Costner playing a Secret Service agent sent to protect her. The movie struck a note with fans, grossing $400 million worldwide. And the movie soundtrack is the most successful of all time.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Secret $1 million gold stash discovered in French rafters
(AP/Sotheby's)A French Champagne producer is spreading the wealth with his workers after they discovered nearly $1 million in gold coins stashed away in the building's rafters, according to Agence France Press (AFP).
"One of the workers (was) attacking the building's ceiling with a crowbar when gold coins started to rain down on him, followed by sacks of gold," Francois Lange, head of Alexandre Bonnet in Les Riceys France, told AFP.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Get the Look: Pippa Middleton’s pink jeans
It might be a little soon to don your full spring looks, but some pieces are perfect for making the transition. It’s all in the styling. Like floral prints, coloured denim is a spring trend that can easily be worn right now. The best way to wear a brightly hued jean is to team it with a neutral palette, like Pippa Middleton has done. Pink jeans go from loud to appropriate when worn with a black blazer and booties. Kate Middleton’s sister gave her coloured-jeans look a little added value with a black and white checkered shirt, but bear in mind that as long as you pick one colour scheme and stick with it, just about any print does the trick.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Social Media - WSI Matrix Social Media Marketing
Social media networking literally exploded in the last few years. It isn’t just a place to chat with friends, either. Twitter, FaceBook, Tumblr, LinkedIn, blogs, and forums have forever changed online communications. WSI has the experience and knowledge to help you tap into this tremendous resource that offers incredible growth and success potential for
your business.
Social Media is a huge thing now when comes to marketing but not everyone knows how to do it the right way...
Dreamliner jet “draws” Boeing logo across North America
A Boeing 787 jet took corporate loyalty to new heights when it "drew" the letters "787" followed by the company's logo across several thousand miles of North American skies. The etching of the letters and logo, while not visible from the ground, can be seen in the flight path plans.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
How It Works Chill Can- World's First Self Chilling Beverage
The Chill Can Technology has been developed by four generations of family beverage industry experience in the United States under the trade name, Joseph Company International. This technology is referred to as ‘Micro Cooling’ and has been in research and development for over 18 years.
It has long been desired to provide a simple, effective and safe device which can be housed within the food or beverage container for the purpose of cooling or heating the food or beverage on demand. In many instances ice or refrigeration is not readily available in locations such as camping, boating,
Does waking up earlier mean waking up happier?
(Thinkstock)We’ve heard it before: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
But does waking up early make us happier?
A recent Daily Mail article
claims so. Simon Parke, author of “Solitude: Recovering the Power of Alone,” writes that waking up early — he recommends an intimidating wake-up call of 5am — lets us begin the day in peace:“Watching dawn break through the kitchen window really does ‘make light of the day’ whatever it may hold,” he writes.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Mortgage problems? Turn your house into a billboard
When they saw the house on El Dorado Drive in this Los Angeles suburb being painted a startling orange and green and giant billboards hung on the outside, Scott and Beth Hostetler's neighbors were initially angry and confused. Some even considered calling the police.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Coroner confirms Whitney Houston found in bathtub
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Coroners on Sunday completed their autopsy on the body of singer Whitney Houston and confirmed that she was found in the bathtub of her Beverly Hills hotel room, but said the cause of death would not be determined until more lab tests were completed.
Ed Winter, assistant chief coroner for Los Angeles County, revealed little about the autopsy at a news conference, but said medical examiners found no visible signs of trauma or foul play.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
A $340,000 home for $16?
FLOWER MOUND, Texas - After paying $16 to file a one-page claim to an empty, $340,000 home in an upscale Dallas suburb, Kenneth Robinson moved in furniture, hung a "No Trespassing" sign in the front window and invited television cameras inside for a tour.
He quickly turned into something of a local celebrity, creating a website, http://16dollarhouse.com , where he sold an e-book and offered training sessions for would-be squatters. And while real estate experts and authorities say he's misusing the law, Robinson appears to have inspired dozens of imitators who moved into Dallas-Fort Worth area homes — some of which were still occupied by their owners.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Romanian model's 20-inch waist
Romanian model Ioana Spangenberg has been dubbed “The Human Hourglass.” At 5-foot-7, the 30-year-old woman has a waist that measures just 20 inches. She’s found fame modelling corsets, distorting her silhouette to an even more extreme shape.
(For reference, Ioana’s waist is three inches smaller than Victoria Beckham’s — and Victoria’s three inches shorter than Ioana.)
The NY Daily News points out that her odd-to-the-eye proportions of 32-20-32 are familiar ones “for girls who play with Barbie dolls.”
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Deadly cold spell in Europe Photos
A man walks past an ice covered car on the frozen waterside promenade at Lake Geneva in the Swiss city of Versoix. The deadly cold snap that has gripped Europe for more than a week wrought more havoc across the continent, straining emergency services, grounding flights and pushing the death toll past 300. (AFP Photo/Fabrice Coffrini)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Madonna Walks 50-Yard Fine Line Between Spectacular, Mundane
photo: Christopher Polk/Getty ImagesYou wanted provocation at the Super Bowl halftime show? Madonna chickened out, but sidekick M.I.A. was happy to oblige. She appeared to offer the tens of millions of viewers the wrong upraised finger--i.e., the middle one--instead of the gunshot motion that she does to accompany the bleeped-out "I don't give a s***" line in their new video, "Give Me All Your Luvin'." It was the first real Super Bowl half-time controversy since Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" of 2004.
However, hemmed in by the Super Bowl's presumed insistence on a family-friendly halftime show, Madonna had nothing outrageous to offer herself, instead giving us the most guest stars ever packed into one 15-minute medley. With LMFAO, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A., and finally Cee Lo Green joining her on the 50-yard line, you half-expected to see Elton John putting aside their blood feud and showing up for a cameo, too.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Who Is RayWJ? YouTube's Top Star
It doesn't take the media to make a media star any more.The new economics of entertainment have enabled a foul-mouthed performer working on his own to carve out a very lucrative business. He doesn't have the backing of a traditional media conglomerate. He's a lone comic with a YouTube channel.
Ray William Johnson curses constantly, often gives his audience the finger and sometimes dresses up as a penguin, but he is attracting more than five million regular viewers to his twice weekly video commentaries, making him the biggest draw at Google Inc.'s online-video outlet.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Video: America’s longest married couple
In this video, we meet Wilbur and Teresa Faiss, America's longest-married couple. The Las Vegas residents were first wed in April, 1933. Wilbur, now 100-years-old, tells KVVU TV, "I just had no idea of us ever winning the longest-married couple."
Friday, February 3, 2012
Neil Young: Steve Jobs listened to vinyl because of higher fidelity
DANA POINT, Calif. - Legendary rocker Neil Young took his campaign for higher-fidelity digital sound to the stage of a technology conference Tuesday, saying a giant of the industry was on his side: the late Steve Jobs.
Young said the Apple co-founder was such a fan of music that he didn't use his iPod and its digitally compressed files at home. Instead, he used a physical format well-known to have better sound.
"Steve Jobs was a pioneer of digital music. His legacy is tremendous," Young said. "But when he went home, he listened to vinyl (albums)."
Thursday, February 2, 2012
‘Flying People’ Stun New Yorkers to Promote New Movie ‘Chronicle’
What looked to be three people were spotted flying around the skies of lower Manhattan last Friday, causing a lot of double-takes and dropped jaws from onlookers. But while it appeared to be a sight straight out of a comic book, it was actually a clever bit of viral marketing for this week's upcoming film "Chronicle." Those aren't people in the air, but some very intricately designed radio-controlled airplanes. Watch the video of their flight, and keep reading to learn how it was done.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
UGG boots banned in school. Education crisis solved!
But a Pennsylvania middle school wants them off students' feet and out of the classroom for good.
Uggs: the biggest problem in the American education system?Say what you will about UGG Boots (warm, fuzzy, cruel, unflattering, so 2003, etc.), they're not the biggest problem in education today.
As of Monday, students of Pottstown Middle School will be barred from wearing the fur-lined boots in classes, reports the Delaware County Daily Times.
This past Wednesday, Pottstown Middle School principal Gail Cooper sent a note home to parents stating "following several problems with these items, I have banned the outdoor, open top boots from our classrooms."