Saturday, October 1, 2011

How Much Would Steve Jobs Be Worth Today?

Small business owners and future entrepreneurs take note. If you thought starting and growing a business was easy for some, look no further than the story of Steve Jobs and Apple. It is a story of innovation that is so drama-filled that film studios have made big money producing made-for-TV dramas around it.

Steve Jobs as well as his two partners, Steve Wozniak and Mike Markkula, started with barely anything. In order to raise funds, Wozniak sold his prized calculator for US$250 and Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus for $1,500. From there, more investors came on the scene. There were differences in opinion, and eventually Steve Jobs left to start his own company called NeXT Computers after being forced out of the company.

Although they wouldn't admit it, Apple quickly figured out that they needed Steve Jobs. In a interestingly timed acquisition, Apple purchased Jobs' company NeXT computers, bringing Jobs back to the company where he would later become CEO working for $1 per year in compensation.

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